Sunday 22 August 2010

Treating Thy Self Like a Precious Object Will Keep Us Strong!

Or so they say! In reality I'm still ever so so vulnerable. Have you met anyone with a overwhelming profound sense of guilt, contempt and self-hatred?!!! I'm far from living one's heart-felt dreams as the challenges continue to rear their ugly head(And I'm no spring chicken). Been bingeing today and yesterday etc. and feel like garbage. It seems any cooked / processed 'food' is strictly off limits for food addicts for life. Personally, one does tend to thrive on a water-based plant lifestyle and of course the taste of seasonally, fresh produce at it's peak is sublime compared with dead food. Yes, I'm wasting a valuable life away procrastinating and bingeing / compulsive overeating. What a fool!

Forget the Past, the past is History!

Feel so defeated after BINGEING on COOKED / PROCESSED FOOD, a huge PLATTER of BEANS, ROOT CARBS and avocado. Swiftly followed by a vast HUNK OF PROCESSED BREAD:(

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