Do you feel out of control when you’re eating?
Do you think about food all the time?
Do you eat in secret?
Do you eat until you feel sick?
Do you eat to escape from worries or to comfort yourself?
Do you feel disgusted or ashamed after eating?
Do you feel powerless to stop eating, even though you want to?
Binged on huge portions of quinoa. I find consuming cooked food and going grocery shopping on a empty stomach are the main trigger response to one's out of control and self-destructive behaviour.
Boundaries must be set, I thrive on water-based tree-crop fuel and therefore I must be kind to self!
Aim and objective: Overcoming emotional over eating for good / personal growth, hence the title!
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Monday, 23 May 2011
fitness tips!
Here are James Bamber’s tips for
running in reverse:
running in reverse:
- Choose a flat, wide running surface free of potholes.
- Identify a distance of 50m to 100m in a straight line and walk it first to check for dips or rocks.
- Beginners often find it helpful to run with a partner. As one runs backwards over a short distance, the other runs forwards.
- Lean back, pushing off from your forefoot to drive backwards.
- Try not to look behind too often.
- Begin by incorporating backward running into your warm-up or cool down. Increase the time and distance you are running in reverse.
- More details: reverserunning
Read more:
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Naturally Organic!
Organic food 'can help you lose weight and live longer': How natural fruit and vegetables are packed with more nutrients
By Sean PoulterSwitching to organic produce could help you live longer as well as keeping you healthier and slimmer, say academics.
Fruit and vegetables grown without artificial fertilisers have significantly more key nutrients, including vitamin C.
As a result, going organic can extend average lifespans, typically by 25 days for men and 17 days for women.
Healthier: Fruit and vegetables grown without artificial fertilisers have significantly more key nutrients, including vitamin C
The University of Newcastle study argues it is on a par with the benefit for the country from the national breast cancer screening programme.
It also suggests eating organic is likely to improve general health, highlighting the higher levels of compounds which encourage the body to burn fat. This can help devotees shed the pounds.
The conclusion challenges the Food Standards Agency, which has long dismissed the health gains of organic food.
The results were welcomed by organic advocates who say better health is just one reason shoppers buy the produce.
A reduced use of chemicals, better animal welfare and improved husbandry of the countryside are also cited. The researchers, based at Newcastle’s highly respected School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, reviewed all the most up-to-date research on nutrients found in organic food.
They found that fruit and vegetables grown this way are richer in most of the beneficial substances called secondary metabolites and vitamin C.
Secondary metabolites are said to boost the immune system and protect the body from cell-damaging free radicals.
They include phenolics, tannins, flavanones, carotenoids and fat-burning resveratrol, which are said to help guard against cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
The team took these findings to estimate the life-enhancing effect of switching from eating only conventional fruits and vegetables to the organic versions in the same amounts.
Lead researcher Dr Kirsten Brandt, a senior lecturer in food quality and health, said the figures represent a ‘best guess’ based on all available information. She suggested most people probably would not live any longer but a lucky few could add many months, and even up to five years, to their lives.
Resveratrol is associated with fooling the body into burning fat. As a result, the study said, devotees could live longer because of ‘a corresponding weight loss, or lack of weight gain’.
Peter Melchett, policy director at the organic farming body, the Soil Association, said: ‘There are lots of reasons people choose organic, not least because it is better for the environment, animal welfare and wildlife.
‘Here we have research which demonstrates a significant health benefit.
‘As more science is conducted, we see evidence showing beneficial nutritional differences associated with organic food.’
The FSA caused an outcry in 2009 when it published research stating there was no significant increase in nutrients in organic produce.
The Newcastle study will be published in the next issue of the journal Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences.
Saturday, 14 May 2011
organic fuel
Vegetables carrots brocoli kale chard beets lettuce green & red peppers zucchini onions garlic spring onions tomatoes avocados spinach cabbage dandelion Fruits apples, fresh berries bananas oranges grapefruits grapes kiwi pineapple coconut mango currants pears peaches Grains buckwheat groats oats rye brown rice millet Sea Plants kelp nori sweetness raw honey brown rice syrup raw agave syrup raw coconut mectar stevia Seasoning sea vegetables, miso, nutritional yeast flakes cayenne cumin garlic Himilayan pink salt, sea salt Flavours carob powder, raw cocoa vanilla cinnamon powder nutmeg allspice Eating food it it's natural state is healthy,especially for cancer patients, dietary fibre, living enzymes, nutrients, vitamins and minerals are important to give the immune system a boost and thus make the cells sing with vitality! l | |||||||||
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Three changes that will have a big impact
1. Start each morning with some protein - eg eggs, meat, almonds and natural yoghurt.
2. Drink a squeeze or slice of lime in water.
3. Stretch for five-10 minutes before bed. This will help you unwind and consequently help you sleep better.
1. Start each morning with some protein - eg eggs, meat, almonds and natural yoghurt.
2. Drink a squeeze or slice of lime in water.
3. Stretch for five-10 minutes before bed. This will help you unwind and consequently help you sleep better.
Sample menu
Breakfast: green beans with quarter of an avocado and 100g protein.
Lunch: a two-egg omelette made with spinach and protein, green salad.
Snack: 50g protein.
Dinner: protein (100g) with spinach, broccoli and red peppers.
Snack: Five brazil nuts.
Breakfast: green beans with quarter of an avocado and 100g protein.
Lunch: a two-egg omelette made with spinach and protein, green salad.
Snack: 50g protein.
Dinner: protein (100g) with spinach, broccoli and red peppers.
Snack: Five brazil nuts.
tummy-trimming tips(take note wee piggy)!
- Have three meals and two snacks a day.
- Do 90 minutes of exercise a week.
- No work-outs at weekends.
- Drink two to three litres of still, room-temperature water each day, ideally filtered.
- No alcohol or fizzy drinks.
Read more:
Thursday, 5 May 2011
bingeing make you eternally fat / obese(take note)!
A short period of gorging on junk food has a more permanent effects on body size and the way it stores fat – even after the initial weight is lost, the study found.
The gluttony changes fat mass – the percentage of fat in the body – for more than two years making it harder to keep weight off.
A team of researchers from Linköping University, Sweden, asked 18 individuals to stop exercising and eat excessively for four weeks – increasing their energy intake by an average of 70 per cent.
A separate control group ate and exercised as normal.
The binge eating group gained an average of one stone in body weight, which was mostly lost six months later.
However, one year on this group showed an increased fat mass compared to those who ate and exercised normally, the differences were even greater after two and a half years.
The study, published in Nutrition and Metabolism, concluded that it provides evidence that even a short period of excessive eating and a lack of exercise can potentially change an individual's physiology, causing it to be harder to lose and keep off weight.
The study, published in Nutrition and Metabolism, concluded that it provides evidence that even a short period of excessive eating and a lack of exercise can potentially change an individual's physiology, causing it to be harder to lose and keep off weight.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Sunday, 24 April 2011
WOW, WOW, WOW this is soo accurate of ???!!!!
Pig Personality
The Boar type is usually an honest, straightforward and patient person. Such man is a modest, shy character who prefers to work quietly behind the scenes and when others disappear he/she is often there to offer support. This type of people is reserved with those who they know not too well, but as time passes and they gain confidence those around may discover a lively and warm-hearted person behind that mask of aloofness. In spite the fact that those who born in the year of pig have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, they have only few close friends who understand them and share their inner thoughts and feelings. It is easy to put trust in pig type; he/she won't let you down and will never even try to. Such people simply want to do everything right according to the social control.
It is important to remember that these people are not vengeful creatures, and if someone has tried to take and advantage of them, the pig type tend to withdraw to reflect on the problem and protect themselves. All they need in such situation is only a little time to find a constructive way to respond. The people of the pig type are conservative creatures of habit. They dislike being made to travel too far from familiar surroundings unless it is a trip to the country. They love nature and are never happier than when they are out somewhere, far from the city.
On the other hand there is a tolerant and peaceful side to their character. Such people are never afraid to allow others their freedom of expression; they do not want to cause any argument and if there is any chance to avoid arguing they probably will take this occasion. They are not weak, however, and if the situation causes them to fight these people will rise to the occasion, whether it is to defend themselves or close people. People of the Pig type are the ones who everyone admires most. Everyone can make a list of the Pigs in their life: aren't they the nicest, most loving and scrupulously caring people around?
There is a prevailing view that people of this type are dreamers, and at times they certainly are, but it is important to remember that they are also sharp enough to realize what is going on. Their reputation is important to them, and although these people are happy to be the target of gentle jokes, there is always a possibility hurt them when someone is trying unjustly accuses them or is behaving openly vindictive.
Generally, no matter how old they get, Pig people still only see and believe that all men/women are basically good. Pig people constantly sacrifice their own happiness and comfort for the sake of the close ones.
Pig Love Affairs
Though they need to experiment and discover romance before they can be sure that they have found the right partner. Generally, pig people are sensitive, sweet but naive, and caring. They are romantic and certainly are the marriage-type. There may be a big problem for them because people of this type usually tend to put all their trust in relationships, and some partners may take an advantage of this apparent naivety. But we certainly can say that these creatures are also good learners and have the will to can pick themselves up and start again.
These are tolerant people, and will allow their partner the freedom that they also need, but this has to rest on an affectionate and trustworthy footing. In case a relationship is established, the pig - people base on the fact that the love and affection they give will be returned. But it also very important to remember that the partner should also be careful not to continually demand the pig - type people's emotional attention in case he/she feels trapped.
Pig Career
The Pig is a splendid companion. If you have a lifetime Pig friend, don't think that your worries are over. Pigs are loyal, faithful and giving - only as long as they approve of you. In order to keep your lifetime Piggy friend, remember, never try to force your opinions on a Pig - A Pig rarely asks for help and cannot graciously accept it.
Power is not really on their agenda, and it is rare for them to back-stab or betray a colleague. Such people are naturally hard-working and try to approach tasks seriously and efficiently.
People of this type are like to assess how much work is ahead of them and then take it step by step, progressing slowly but surely. These people don't like to risk and they tend to remain on the safe side. There is also a side to their character that needs human contact, and their patience and kindness are qualities ideal for caring careers.
Equivalent Western Sign: Scorpio
Element WATER
Yin/Yang YIN
Less Compatible with : Pig, Rabbit, Horse, Ox, Rat, Tiger, Dog, Dragon
Least Compatible with : Snake, Monkey
Positive: The Boar can be sensible, sensual and sensitive, sweetly naive, caring, self-sacrificing, erudite, talented, open-handed, candid, outgoing, amusing, charitable, obliging, graciously hospitable and virtuous.
Negative: The Boar can also be hot-tempered, pessimistic, outrageously epicurean, earthy to a fault, sardonic, snobbish, snide, authoritarian, competitive, know-it-all, stingy, victimized and sometimes downright criminally mad at the world.

The Boar type is usually an honest, straightforward and patient person. Such man is a modest, shy character who prefers to work quietly behind the scenes and when others disappear he/she is often there to offer support. This type of people is reserved with those who they know not too well, but as time passes and they gain confidence those around may discover a lively and warm-hearted person behind that mask of aloofness. In spite the fact that those who born in the year of pig have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, they have only few close friends who understand them and share their inner thoughts and feelings. It is easy to put trust in pig type; he/she won't let you down and will never even try to. Such people simply want to do everything right according to the social control.
It is important to remember that these people are not vengeful creatures, and if someone has tried to take and advantage of them, the pig type tend to withdraw to reflect on the problem and protect themselves. All they need in such situation is only a little time to find a constructive way to respond. The people of the pig type are conservative creatures of habit. They dislike being made to travel too far from familiar surroundings unless it is a trip to the country. They love nature and are never happier than when they are out somewhere, far from the city.
On the other hand there is a tolerant and peaceful side to their character. Such people are never afraid to allow others their freedom of expression; they do not want to cause any argument and if there is any chance to avoid arguing they probably will take this occasion. They are not weak, however, and if the situation causes them to fight these people will rise to the occasion, whether it is to defend themselves or close people. People of the Pig type are the ones who everyone admires most. Everyone can make a list of the Pigs in their life: aren't they the nicest, most loving and scrupulously caring people around?
There is a prevailing view that people of this type are dreamers, and at times they certainly are, but it is important to remember that they are also sharp enough to realize what is going on. Their reputation is important to them, and although these people are happy to be the target of gentle jokes, there is always a possibility hurt them when someone is trying unjustly accuses them or is behaving openly vindictive.
Generally, no matter how old they get, Pig people still only see and believe that all men/women are basically good. Pig people constantly sacrifice their own happiness and comfort for the sake of the close ones.
Though they need to experiment and discover romance before they can be sure that they have found the right partner. Generally, pig people are sensitive, sweet but naive, and caring. They are romantic and certainly are the marriage-type. There may be a big problem for them because people of this type usually tend to put all their trust in relationships, and some partners may take an advantage of this apparent naivety. But we certainly can say that these creatures are also good learners and have the will to can pick themselves up and start again.
These are tolerant people, and will allow their partner the freedom that they also need, but this has to rest on an affectionate and trustworthy footing. In case a relationship is established, the pig - people base on the fact that the love and affection they give will be returned. But it also very important to remember that the partner should also be careful not to continually demand the pig - type people's emotional attention in case he/she feels trapped.
The Pig is a splendid companion. If you have a lifetime Pig friend, don't think that your worries are over. Pigs are loyal, faithful and giving - only as long as they approve of you. In order to keep your lifetime Piggy friend, remember, never try to force your opinions on a Pig - A Pig rarely asks for help and cannot graciously accept it.
Power is not really on their agenda, and it is rare for them to back-stab or betray a colleague. Such people are naturally hard-working and try to approach tasks seriously and efficiently.
People of this type are like to assess how much work is ahead of them and then take it step by step, progressing slowly but surely. These people don't like to risk and they tend to remain on the safe side. There is also a side to their character that needs human contact, and their patience and kindness are qualities ideal for caring careers.
Ideal Job for the Pig Include
Researcher, Scientist, Chemist, Technician, Musician, Restauranteur, Social worker, Fundraiser, Builder, Chef, Delicatessen owner, Personnel manager, Administrative officer, Civil servant. Horoscope background
Lucky Numbers: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 16, 18, 34, 41, 48 Equivalent Western Sign: Scorpio
Element WATER
Yin/Yang YIN
Some Famous Pigs: Bryan Adams, Woody Allen, Julie Andrews, Fred Astaire, Richard Attenborough, Lucille Ball, Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney, Glenn Close, Richard Dreyfuss, Farrah Fawcett, Ernest Hemingway, Barry Gibb, Alfred Hitchcock, Elton John, Kevin Kline, Jerry Lee Lewis, Dudley Moore, Marie Osmond, Michael Parkinson, Lee Remick, Ginger Rogers, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Spielberg, Emma Thompson. Pig Compatibility
Compatible with : Rooster, RamLess Compatible with : Pig, Rabbit, Horse, Ox, Rat, Tiger, Dog, Dragon
Least Compatible with : Snake, Monkey
Positive and Negative Capability
Positive: The Boar can be sensible, sensual and sensitive, sweetly naive, caring, self-sacrificing, erudite, talented, open-handed, candid, outgoing, amusing, charitable, obliging, graciously hospitable and virtuous.
Negative: The Boar can also be hot-tempered, pessimistic, outrageously epicurean, earthy to a fault, sardonic, snobbish, snide, authoritarian, competitive, know-it-all, stingy, victimized and sometimes downright criminally mad at the world.
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- Goto Horoscope
- Chinese Horoscope
- The Year of the Pig
March 21 to April 20 - Aries sign description and personality. The first zodiacal sign, it is representing the beginning of all things in the world.
April 21 to May 21 - Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, having a fixed earth classification and ruled by the planet Venus.
May 22 to June 21 - Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, having a mutable air classification and ruled by the planet Mercury.
June 22 to July 22 - Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac, having a cardinal water classification and ruled by the moon.
July 23 to August 23 - Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, having a fixed fire classification and ruled by the sun.
August 24 to September 22 - Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, having a mutable earth classification and ruled by the planet Mercury.
September 23 to October 22 - Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, having a cardinal air classification and ruled by the planet Venus.
October 23 to November 21 - Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, having a fixed water classification and ruled by the planets Mars and Pluto.
November 22 to December 21 - Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac, having a mutable fire classification and ruled by the planet Jupiter.
December 22 to January 20 - Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac, having a cardinal earth classification and ruled by the planet Saturn.
January 21 to February 19 - Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, having a fixed air classification and ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus.
February 20 to March 20 - Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, having a mutable water classification and ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune.
Goto Horoscope home page. Daily, weekly and monthly horoscope for each zodiacal sign. Astrological predictions showing the positions of the planets at a particular time and place.
Add this site to your favorite links. Goto Horoscope - guide to your personality based on astrology and law of nature.
Daily horoscope and free astrology report - the configuration of the planets, the sun, and the moon in the sky at a particular moment.
Chinese Horoscope. Chinese astrology system is based on twelve animal zodiacal signs, starting from with the Rat and ending with the Pig.
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Friday, 8 April 2011
love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April 8th Compassion
Seek to do brave and lovely things that are left undone by the majority of people. Give gifts of love and peace to those whom others pass by. — Paramahansa Yogananda, SRF Lessons
Seek to do brave and lovely things that are left undone by the majority of people. Give gifts of love and peace to those whom others pass by. — Paramahansa Yogananda, SRF Lessons
Thursday, 7 April 2011
eats today!
red chard and green appleslaw(DELICIOUS:)!!!!!!!!
Berry pudding: frozen mixed berries, raw cashews and mesquite, nice but a bit rich.
Berry pudding: frozen mixed berries, raw cashews and mesquite, nice but a bit rich.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Scoffed another gut-busting meal of wholegrain spaghetti, cayenne, pesto and green lentils, I better not make this into a habit. Time to nip it in the bud me thinks!
On a much lighter note I was recently inspired by the lovely American lady(known as Gladyator:) who made it in the recond books for being the oldest female to run a marathon(she's in her Nineties:). You Go Girl!!!!
On a much lighter note I was recently inspired by the lovely American lady(known as Gladyator:) who made it in the recond books for being the oldest female to run a marathon(she's in her Nineties:). You Go Girl!!!!
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Binge Alert!
I was so famished this evening that one scoffed a huge(I mean hummugus sp) green lentil and mashed tattie(lashings of olive oil, sea salt, cayenne and the mashed spuds)making me feel quite greedy and nauseaus and mucusy, yuk!
I don't really want to compromise my health, wellbeing and vitality for poor food substitutes. I do have a long history of disordered eating, crash diets, bingeing etc. Prevention is better than cure. I've got to be abit more organized in future and be prepared for all eventualities.
I don't really want to compromise my health, wellbeing and vitality for poor food substitutes. I do have a long history of disordered eating, crash diets, bingeing etc. Prevention is better than cure. I've got to be abit more organized in future and be prepared for all eventualities.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Sublime Smoothie
Started my Sunday with the most satiatingly-sublime green smoothie brunch: organic pointed sweet cabbage,
3 small local(Kent) apples, juice of 2 lemons(lemon and lime juice are soo incredibly-versatile and adds a real depth of flavor to any juice, smoothie or meal:) and a small, but perfectly-ripe avocado; ah what bliss in a glass. It was DELICIOUS! Go on try it for yourself(you know you want to:0), I dare you?! The perrrfectly-balanced, Sunday brunch meal in a glass for a healthy brain / mind, body and soul, Namaste
3 small local(Kent) apples, juice of 2 lemons(lemon and lime juice are soo incredibly-versatile and adds a real depth of flavor to any juice, smoothie or meal:) and a small, but perfectly-ripe avocado; ah what bliss in a glass. It was DELICIOUS! Go on try it for yourself(you know you want to:0), I dare you?! The perrrfectly-balanced, Sunday brunch meal in a glass for a healthy brain / mind, body and soul, Namaste
Saturday, 8 January 2011
Friday, 7 January 2011
As a animal-loving individual I don't endorse meat and flesh.
GMTV weathergirl Clare Nasir was so mortified by photos of her exercising in a bikini, she knew something had to change - and it wasn't just her choice of workout gear.
This week, she tells The Sun's Buzz magazine how she lost 3st with a specially-created diet and exercise plan - and how you too can follow the steps to a brand new body in 2011.
"Clare's diet involves eating five meals a day," says her nutritionist, Martin MacDonald.
"It sounds strange, but eating fuels your metabolism; so if you eat little and often, you'll actually burn more calories.
Also, it's easy to stick to because you never feel hungry when you're eating every two to three hours."
Clare's diet is low fat, high in protein, and full of low GI foods or 'good' carbs.
"Unlike sugary high GI foods like white bread, low GI foods like sweet potato and porridge release their energy slowly, so you feel fuller for longer," explains Martin.
"Protein also speeds up your metabolism and helps repair your body after exercise. The great thing about this diet is that you get to eat a lot AND rev up your metabolism to burn more fat and lose weight."
"The five-meals-a-day diet plan created by my nutrition guru has loads of great suggestions for what to eat at all times of the day," says Clare. "Here are some of my favourite options - just pick one from each list."
Breakfast (300-350 calories each)
* 60g muesli with 200ml semi-skimmed milk
* 2 medium eggs, 1 slice of wholemeal bread and 1 apple
* 50g oats mixed with 100g plain yoghurt and 100g blueberries
* 50g branflakes with 200ml semi-skimmed milk and 1 apple
Mid-morning snack (150 calories each)
* 100g cottage cheese, 50g ham, 100g salad (leaves, celery and cucumber)
* 50g turkey mixed with 40g feta cheese and 100g salad
* 20g whey protein shake (from health food stores) and 15g cashew nuts
* 80G low fat mozzarella, 25g sundried tomatoes and 100g salad
Lunch (200-250 calories each)
* 50g chicken and one pepper (sliced) dipped in 40g low-fat hummus
* 70g low-fat mozzarella, 2 Ryvitas and 100g salad
* Chicken fajitas made with 1 tortilla wrap, 60g chicken seasoned with spices and 100g peppers, served with 100g salad
* Brown pitta bread stuffed with 50g tuna and 100g salad
Mid-afternoon snack (150 calories each)
* 20g almonds, cup of coffee made with 30ml semi-skimmed milk
* 80g green olives
* 50g avocado with 20g green olives and 100g salad
* 20g cashew nuts, cup of coffee made with 30ml semi-skimmed milk
Dinner (250-300 calories each)
* 100g steak with mixed vegetables stir-fried in 10ml olive oil
* Omelette made with 2 eggs, 2 egg whites, 50g peppers and 30g onions, served with 150g salad or mixed vegetables
* 150g salmon served with 150g broccoli
* 150g grilled, skinless chicken breast, served with 150g roasted mixed vegetables cookedin 10ml olive oil
Clare Nasir's Boot Camp is out now on DVD (Universal Pictures, £19.99), available from High Street retailers.
This week, she tells The Sun's Buzz magazine how she lost 3st with a specially-created diet and exercise plan - and how you too can follow the steps to a brand new body in 2011.
"Clare's diet involves eating five meals a day," says her nutritionist, Martin MacDonald.
"It sounds strange, but eating fuels your metabolism; so if you eat little and often, you'll actually burn more calories.
Also, it's easy to stick to because you never feel hungry when you're eating every two to three hours."
Clare's diet is low fat, high in protein, and full of low GI foods or 'good' carbs.
"Unlike sugary high GI foods like white bread, low GI foods like sweet potato and porridge release their energy slowly, so you feel fuller for longer," explains Martin.
"Protein also speeds up your metabolism and helps repair your body after exercise. The great thing about this diet is that you get to eat a lot AND rev up your metabolism to burn more fat and lose weight."
"The five-meals-a-day diet plan created by my nutrition guru has loads of great suggestions for what to eat at all times of the day," says Clare. "Here are some of my favourite options - just pick one from each list."
Breakfast (300-350 calories each)
* 60g muesli with 200ml semi-skimmed milk
* 2 medium eggs, 1 slice of wholemeal bread and 1 apple
* 50g oats mixed with 100g plain yoghurt and 100g blueberries
* 50g branflakes with 200ml semi-skimmed milk and 1 apple
Mid-morning snack (150 calories each)
* 100g cottage cheese, 50g ham, 100g salad (leaves, celery and cucumber)
* 50g turkey mixed with 40g feta cheese and 100g salad
* 20g whey protein shake (from health food stores) and 15g cashew nuts
* 80G low fat mozzarella, 25g sundried tomatoes and 100g salad
Lunch (200-250 calories each)
* 50g chicken and one pepper (sliced) dipped in 40g low-fat hummus
* 70g low-fat mozzarella, 2 Ryvitas and 100g salad
* Chicken fajitas made with 1 tortilla wrap, 60g chicken seasoned with spices and 100g peppers, served with 100g salad
* Brown pitta bread stuffed with 50g tuna and 100g salad
Mid-afternoon snack (150 calories each)
* 20g almonds, cup of coffee made with 30ml semi-skimmed milk
* 80g green olives
* 50g avocado with 20g green olives and 100g salad
* 20g cashew nuts, cup of coffee made with 30ml semi-skimmed milk
Dinner (250-300 calories each)
* 100g steak with mixed vegetables stir-fried in 10ml olive oil
* Omelette made with 2 eggs, 2 egg whites, 50g peppers and 30g onions, served with 150g salad or mixed vegetables
* 150g salmon served with 150g broccoli
* 150g grilled, skinless chicken breast, served with 150g roasted mixed vegetables cookedin 10ml olive oil
Clare Nasir's Boot Camp is out now on DVD (Universal Pictures, £19.99), available from High Street retailers.
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